Saturday, March 13, 2010

Reach Out Recap

Through the Youth Program at Blessed Sacrament Parish, youth and staff left on retreat February 26-28th. This year's theme was "You've Got A Friend In God" and attracted a number of youth. Throughout the weekend everyone met and worked in groups discussing friendships and relationships, put on skits, made Amish Friendship Bread, celebrated Mass with the help of Fr. Rocco and the musical group New Spirit Band. Everyone also had the opportunity to participate in Reconciliation, and tell their own story at Saturday evening's Open Mic.

Several youth helped over the past few months in planning the retreat by attending several meetings. Many of those same teenagers also took active roles on the retreat by serving as small group leaders. Paired with another youth and one or two adults, group leaders helped facilitate small group activities and discussions. It helps to hear things from peers, so the youth who prepared talks and stepped forward to the microphone also lent a hand in making the retreat a success. Whether or not teens acted as leaders, or simply showed up to take in all that the retreat had to offer, everyone made it an eventful and enriching weekend.

Special thanks to Irene Friend and Jim Kozy who were instrumental in the planning and facilitation of this retreat. There are many other adults who also had a hand in the retreat and their help is greatly appreciated.